OK, a full day home from the hospital. Went to see Dr. D today, going back to see him monday. Things are looking real good so far, no infections or anything, he seems real proud of his handiwork. Still a bit of swelling in the reconstructed breast which, unfortunately Dr. D says is going away soon. :)
Still a moderate amount of swelling everywhere else, which is a combination of meds and laying in a bed for 7 days straight.
We found that we need to be more prompt for our appointments, as sprinting upstairs isn't one of our options anymore. I have a newfound tolerance of slow-walking people now.
Today, Vivian Stapleton, a longtime friend (from the Girl Scouts), came to stay in the morning, AND brought breakfast and coffee. I have to say that it was nice to have a real breakfast. Sue Kouba (the only blond Hungarian i know), came over to visit and pick up some stuff from Costco for Anita. Dinner was provided by Carol Stewart, another longtime friend from the next block (also a girl scout parent). It was chicken and potatoes, which was good, because the doc wants Anita to concentrate on protein over carbs for now (apparently it helps with the swelling). Anita is making good progress, she's pretty much making trips around the house without having to stop.
p.s. if you own Costco stock, you may see a small dip in the next month. The loss of revenue attributed to Anita's bedridden status is causing a temporary hit in their profit!!!!!
Welcome Home Anita!!!! I am so happy to hear that things are moving along so well, swelling going down, you are moving around the house, down on the pain meds, etc. Please let me know if you need someone to come over in the evening or on a weekend, I would be more than happy to "keep you company". Love to you and your family, Laura