Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/18 - Finally on the Mend!!

Ok, we really had a good last week.  After Anita's surgery last Wed, things really started looking up this last weekend.  The infection and the swelling really abated during the weekend.  We saw Dr. D on Tuesday, and the infection specialist Wed, and they are really happy with her progress.  She will continue getting IV antibiotics for the next week of so.

Anita felt well enough to go to Bunco night yesterday, and went briefly to her other bunco group tonight (thanks to lori r. for being her ride tonight).

She is starting to be able to do many of the little things that she has been unable to do, like going up and down the stairs, taking showers, washing her hair, and she can even walk at about 3/4 speed now (dont have to pass her in the hallways anymore!!!)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, 11/15

Nothing new to report.  The Infection seems to healing up quite nicely, i think the swelling is almost back to normal now.  We are going to see Dr. D tomorrow, and the infectious disease guy Wed.

Overall, i think anita is getting a little better every day.  She actually made a trip out to guess where?? COSTCO!! - where the employees there thanked their lucky stars that their favorite shopper was back on her feet again. Many of them came up to say that they had missed her and were wondering where she went.  I think they were worried that they weren't going to get their usual christmas bonuses!!!

Anita is continuing to get daily IV doses of antibiotics (2 types), which i think will continue at least through this week.  we'll probably get a better handle on that after we see the infectious disease guy.

Once again, thanks for the support

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Late night 11/10-back home again!!!

back home again!!!  the procedure went excellent, there was a lot less infection than was expected, and dr. D. took the time to do some "trimming" of the initial surgery.

anitas in a little more pain than before, but overall, we're happy that it is done and she got back home in one night.  Got in at 6pm and out at midnight.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wed 11/10-Going back into the hospital

Saw an infection guy today.  He's not really happy with the progress, and he and Dr. D decided that another trip to the hospital is needed to clean out the affected area.  8-9pm is the likely surgery time.  Kind of hard to stay positive at times, but we are soldiering through it all.

Will try to update tonight after surgery.

Weekly update 11/10

Well, this past week has been a long week.  Anita is still fighting off the infection.  I would say that it peaked sometime this weekend, as positive progress was finally seen Monday and Tuesday (today).

She is receiving in-home IV antibiotic therapy, which a local nurse comes in to administer.  They are also adding an anti-MRSA antibiotic just to make sure everything gets cleared up.  Dr. D. has been fantastic, he has seen anita every day since she went back into the hospital, even this past saturday and sunday.  He is going out on a short trip from Wed to Sun, so he wants to make sure everything is on the mend before he leaves.

Once again, i cant say enough about all of the people who have visited, helped to take anita to doctor appointments, shopped for us, and especially brought food.  it's been a major help to us.  The only thing that confused me was that my Egyptian friend Tarek brought us lasagne.  ???????????

Overall, anita is getting much better, she is moving around the house at more than snail-like speeds now, and she can get into and out of a chair without assistance now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wed 11/4-PM - Anita's back home again

Anita came home Wed afternoon!!!  She has an embedded IV line in her for the injection of IV antibiotics.  Apparently, someone is coming tomorrow to do the first injection, and perhaps after that I'm on my own.

The IV stuff showed up today, it is all in small IV bags just like you get in the hospital.  No needles involved.  I was looking forward to that............

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wed 11/3-Just a quick update-still in the hospital

Anita is still in the hospital.  Infection-fortunately not MRSA.  they're trying to figure out what is the best antibiotic to use now.  I think they're going to put in a PICC line (peripherally inserted central catherter) today.  This is an IV catheter which is inserted in the upper arm area, and winds its way near the heart.

It's often used for long term antibiotic therapy, or for people who have hard to find veins.  They have been having a lot of problems finding good veins to use.  Also, it gets the antibiotic into the bloodstream faster, with less irritation to the veins.  an update to this note:  they're treating with cestriaxone (a relative of the commonly used keflex).  i think it only comes in IV form, which is why the PICC line is needed.

Yours truly will have to administer the injections, taking me back to my college days when i worked in a hospital as a vampire (phlebotomist).  Needles dont scare me at all-especially if i'm on the giving end!!!

(note to my sister the doc-it's a bacteria of the serratia family)

she is being released this afternoon

not to minimize this issue, but overall she is feeling much better this hospital stay, as the infection is not causing much pain.

P.S. you might note that one of the hospital volunteers was one of the commenters on the last post.  can you believe that?  it just goes to show that the level of care at this hospital is amazing

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hospital Stay #2 update-good news

ok, its 8pm, just saw Dr. D.  Everything went well, actually he said that the infection was not as bad as thought he was going to see.  he said it was more an issue of cellulitis (inflammation) versus an infection.  So he cleaned up the area, and she is on IV antibiotics.

Dr. D. said that breast tissue post-mastectomy is not real healthy at first (not as much blood flow as before), so infections and inflammation are real common

In recovery now-have not yet seen her.

she will likely go home tomorrow.

November 1 - Back in the Hospital

Doctor:  Larry, we have a little problem
Larry: What is it?
Doctor: Anita's breast is bigger than it should be-it's a little swollen
Larry: I thought you said there was a problem

We're back in the hospital for a one night stay.  It appears that anita has an infection, so they're going to open her up a tiny bit, flush out the affected area, put her on some IV antibiotics, and keep her in until tomorrow (tuesday) night.  It's a relatively common problem with this type of surgery, what with them having her on the table for so many hours.

No one seems to be too worried about it, they just want to jump on it right away before it becomes a problem.

update you tonight after she is out