Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/18 - Finally on the Mend!!

Ok, we really had a good last week.  After Anita's surgery last Wed, things really started looking up this last weekend.  The infection and the swelling really abated during the weekend.  We saw Dr. D on Tuesday, and the infection specialist Wed, and they are really happy with her progress.  She will continue getting IV antibiotics for the next week of so.

Anita felt well enough to go to Bunco night yesterday, and went briefly to her other bunco group tonight (thanks to lori r. for being her ride tonight).

She is starting to be able to do many of the little things that she has been unable to do, like going up and down the stairs, taking showers, washing her hair, and she can even walk at about 3/4 speed now (dont have to pass her in the hallways anymore!!!)


  1. That is good news . . . . tell her not to over do it! She needs to heal. . .

  2. Woohoo Anita!!!!! I was at the Sizzix sale this morning (11-19) and met your friend and I can hardly believe it - she recognized me! We sat at the same table for stamping at Jody Nakashima's home a month ago. Anyway, she said you were coming. It got so crowded and I did start to look for you, but didn't get to see you. Hope you had fun today. So glad to hear that you are feeling better and are on the mend. Blessings and joy - Shari
