Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12 update

saw dr. d today and the post-operation results look really great.  her old scars were replaced by new, much nicer scars, and it really looks like the end result will be great.

anita is getting around pretty good for only 1 day post op.  still kind of sluggish, but not a ton of pain like last time.

we'll be seeing the dr. wed again

March surgery - day 1 update

surgery went very well today.  took about 5 hours.  will have more details on the surgery later, but in a nutshell the procedure was largely cosmetic, taking out any dead tissue from the original transplant, and reshaping using "alloderm".  all of the original scars were re-done to make them flatter.

although anita is in pain, she is much better off this time.  she can go up and down the stairs already, and does not need total assistance for everything.  she had a small dinner also.

note: alloderm is a tissue matrix.  it is human skin with the cells removed, leaving a strong tissue-like mesh that the surgeon can use to shape and strengthen surgical areas (most commonly used with breast reconstruction and hernias).  it eventually merges with the tissue around it

seeing dr. d tomorrow.  update after that

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Surgery tomorrow…Friday, March 11

Ok, I have been a little apprehensive about the surgery…not about being under and the procedure.  I trust my surgeon, Dr. D, implicitly!!  The part I have been worrying about how is long I’ll be down and out and the discomfort.  (Pretty wushi on the pain part.  LOL!!) 

The very, very best part of the surgery….drum roll…is that I have eaten lightly today and will probably not eat much tomorrow.  Ergo, weight loss!!  Yeah!  That’s the best part! You gotta see the bright side of things.

I want to change the subject.  I have a very dear and totally awesome friend who is in the hospital now and could use some extra prayers.  Please include Paul in your prayers.  He is such a great guy and it really hurts to hear about his situation.  Mahalo.

The details of tomorrow are as follows-check in is at 9:15am, surgery begins at 10:30 for about 4 hours.  They say I’ll be ready to leave the surgery center in about an hour after surgery.  My fingers (and toes!!) are crossed. 

Hopefully, Larry will post here with updates like that first surgery.  If he does not, I’ll post at my earliest chance. 

Take care and hope to see you all soon…


Friday, March 4, 2011

One Week Till the Next Surgery!

Aloha to my family and friends.  I am sorry that I have not posted in a LONG time.  Updates…

Oncologist-Dr. Barth (who is totally awesome!!!) wants to start hormone therapy in June, something like a Tamoxifin but not that drug.  He wants me to be really healthily (not an easy job) and to be really stable.  He said that if I was going to have any more surgeries, I need to do it now or WAY later.  So my next surgery is on March 11.

Surgery-Dr. D (who is also totally awesome and I love him…shhhh, don’t tell Larry!  Well, Larry already knows it!  LOL!!) is going to remove some yucky, dead tissue which is very uncomfortable.  I don’t think I could wait for surgery to be WAY later to remove that stuff so I am going to do the surgery now.  Plus, he is going to do some reconstruction stuff.  He says that it will be a lot less traumatic than the first surgery.  Granted, OK but really, how much less traumatic can any surgery be? 

The surgery will be outpatient and will be about 4 hours.  So I’ll be home Friday afternoon late.  I am not sure how I will be feeling but I know that I will be fine.

So, thank you for your continued support and prayers.  You can never have enough prayers. 

Take care.  Hope to see you all soon!