Friday, March 4, 2011

One Week Till the Next Surgery!

Aloha to my family and friends.  I am sorry that I have not posted in a LONG time.  Updates…

Oncologist-Dr. Barth (who is totally awesome!!!) wants to start hormone therapy in June, something like a Tamoxifin but not that drug.  He wants me to be really healthily (not an easy job) and to be really stable.  He said that if I was going to have any more surgeries, I need to do it now or WAY later.  So my next surgery is on March 11.

Surgery-Dr. D (who is also totally awesome and I love him…shhhh, don’t tell Larry!  Well, Larry already knows it!  LOL!!) is going to remove some yucky, dead tissue which is very uncomfortable.  I don’t think I could wait for surgery to be WAY later to remove that stuff so I am going to do the surgery now.  Plus, he is going to do some reconstruction stuff.  He says that it will be a lot less traumatic than the first surgery.  Granted, OK but really, how much less traumatic can any surgery be? 

The surgery will be outpatient and will be about 4 hours.  So I’ll be home Friday afternoon late.  I am not sure how I will be feeling but I know that I will be fine.

So, thank you for your continued support and prayers.  You can never have enough prayers. 

Take care.  Hope to see you all soon!

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