Friday, October 15, 2010

She's Out!!!

Surgery finished at 515pm.  just talked to the plastic surgeon, Dr. Dickinson, and he was excited about the result.  They had to take a little stomach muscle to make it work (The transplanted material needs blood flow to stay alive), but a small enough amount that he felt she would not notice it.

she is currently in recovery, probably cannot see her until she goes to ICU.

Dr Dickinson thought it went so well she might get to go home in 4 days instead of 6

Check back in a few hours


  1. That's great Larry, thank you for your updates today, I've been thinking about her all day - Anita's tough, she'll be back home in no time!

    Lots of well wishes for a non-painful evening for Anita!

    Hula sistah Tracy

  2. Thanks Larry for keeping us updated. My mind was not on my work at all today, watching the clock all day and praying for all of you. Will continue with prayers of course, hope you both get some rest tonight. Anita looked great in her pre-op picture- good to know her spirits were high. Hugs to you all,
