Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday update-great news!!!

We just received the full pathology report this afternoon, and it is totally clean!!!  No radiation or chemotherapy is going to be needed, as Anita did eventually end up with DCIS, stage 0 (non invasive form of carcinoma).  This matched the initial diagnosis perfectly.

The cancerous area that was removed was fairly long, 10cm, or 4 inches.  (Initially it was thought the affected area was 7cm).  This means that most of the affected milk duct was infected with pre-cancerous cells.  The "margin", or the area directly around the affected area was free of cancer cells, too.  The other 3 areas tested were the skin, a piece of rib cartilage, and the lymph nodes-all were negative.

What a relief-it's nice to have this information before leaving the hospital.

Anita is doing much better today, much less nausea, and she is now off the pain pumps and onto pain pills, an  important step to going home.  Dr. D is thinking maybe Wednesday, but more likely Thursday for her to go home.

Anita is getting an early start on "later in life" nutrition - they are starting her on Ensure!!!!

Apparently, this gave her the motivation to try to eat some solid food tonight for the first time-we'll see how that goes.


  1. Wow ~ getting caught up on Anita's progress and thrilled to hear that the cancer was contained and no chemo!

    Sounds like you are in good hands too.

  2. Yeah that is good news.. . the best ever!

    Now missy you need to get some food in you because let's just say ensure is not wonderful but better then nothing at all . .
