Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Twas the Night before Surgery..."

And all thru the Takemoto household...…ok, wrong story. Seriously, mahalo to everyone who has called me, emailed me, visited me, sent flowers, sent books and gift cards (my kids are sooo happy!!), stopped by, those who signed up for meals and shopping, those who are helping me out (babysitting and special helpers) and kept me in your thots and prayers. (Did I miss anything? If I did…MAHALO!) Wow, I am soooo blessed to have this circle of Ohana (family) and Friends.

Now that I have the thank you’s done, you ask how am I doing? Today was rather difficult. I had a couple of meltdowns but have bounced back rather well. I am getting ready for a good nite’s sleep and check in at 5 AM.

I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!! Take care. Hugs to all!


  1. Will be thinking about you Friday, and praying that the outcome is a good one. Best wishes for a speedy recovery too!

  2. Keeping you in fervent prayer this morning as well as your whole surgical team. Also praying for an easy and quick recovery period. Love you.

  3. Prayers going up that the outcome is good and we are so glad you are being so well taken care of by family and friends!
